C.A. Kelly and M.D. Bowers. 2017. The perennial Penstemon: Variation in defensive chemistry across years, populations, and tissues. J. Chem. Ecol. 43:599-607.
Adrian, Virginia Scott, and Deane receive a grant from Boulder County Open Space to investigate the conservation value of woody debris remaining from the 2013 flood for cavity-nesting bees.
At the December, 2015 meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Deane was honored by being elected as a Fellow.
Former member of the lab, Susan Whitehead (currently a post-doc at Cornell), accepts a tenure-track faculty position at Virginia Tech!! Congratulations Susan!!
Peri has a paper published in Ecology Letters!!
Mason, P. 2016. On the role of host pphenotypic plasticity in host shifting by parasites. Ecology Letters 19:121-132. Way to go Peri! Caitlin's paper on the preference and performance of specialist, Euphydryas anicia and generalist, Estigmene acrea, caterpillars on two species of Penstemon has been accepted for publication in Ecological Entomology!! Kelly, C. and M.D. Bowers. 2016. Preference and performance of generalist and specialist herbivores on chemically defended host plants. Ecological Entomology.
Toby received a Dissertation Improvement Grant from the National Science Foundation. This project will investigate whether gut microbes affect caterpillar herbivory and fitness. He will be working with the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta (Sphingidae) and its host plant, Datura wrightii (Solanaceae).
Toby's paper, "An endophyte-rich diet increases ant predation on a specialist herbivorous insect", just came out in Ecological Entomology! You can find it at: Ecological Entomology 2015, DOI: 10.1111/een.12186. Congratulations Toby!
Today Ken signed on the dotted line to accept a joint, assistant professor position at the University of Wisconsin. He will be jointly appointed between the Departments of Botany and Geography!! The question is: are they ready? Yay Ken!