Evan Lampert, a former post-doc in the lab, just found out he received tenure at the University of North Georgia!!! Congratulations Evan!!!
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What a great way to start the new year. We received a NSF grant, entitled: "Collaborative Research: Understanding the evolution of diet breadth using ecoimmunology". This grant will allow us to investigate how immunological defenses might affect the ability of herbivorous insects to incorporate novel host plants into their diet and how this might affect the interactions of these insects with predators, parasitoids and viral and bacterial pathogens.
Entomology meetings, 2014, Portland Oregon: Brian Stucky wins first place for his talk, "Eavesdropping parasitoid flies (Sarcophagidae: Emblemmasoma erro) alter the communication signals of their host cicadas (Cicadidae: Tibicen dorsatus)"
Entomology meetings, 2014, Portland Oregon: Caitlin Kelly wins second place for her poster, "Top down and bottom up: Herbivore performance is determined by diet breadth, plant defenses and natural enemies"